Milonic Menu Breaks Standard I-Frame

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Milonic Menu Breaks Standard I-Frame

Post by rickvidallon »

Milonic Menu Break I-Frame Tag
I have a client who wants to advertise in some website industry directory. The directory will only allow advertsing websites to be 'framed-in'.

So my clients website having a nice Milonic menu, 'breaks out' of the iframe. This can be seen at this testing page:

No problems if I TAKE OUT the 'Milonic menu script' then the same page will stay put in the i-frame fine seen here:

Is there any script or wrok around I can put in the Milonic Menu so it will play nice with the I-frame?

Otherwise I will have to completely replace the Milonic menu with a regular CSS menu.

Suggestions are appreciated from those wayyyyy smarter than me!
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