Picture & line wrap

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Picture & line wrap

Post by kelemvor »


I'm trying to set up a menu item that has a small picture at the front and then the text after that. The problem is the text is too long so that it's wrapping to the second line. This is causing the pictures to appear on the top line because it's part of the text and then the text wraps around to under the picture.

I want to know if it's possible to have the pictures be at the beginning and then have the text when it wraps, wrap to next to the picture. This would be similar to a table with 2 cols first column is one big cell (the picture) and the second column would hold the text and it would wrap inside of the cell.

Is this possible?

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Post by kelemvor »

Well, I guess I'll reply to myself and maybe someone can tell me if this is possible.

Can I use HTML in the text field? FOr example can I put in things like:

<table><tr><td><img src=xxx.gif><td>Text here and if it wraps it will wrap inside of the cell so it will show up nice</table>

Or would that not work? I can't try it since 'm not at home.

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Post by John »

Yes, you can - or just try a plain <br> in your text to break it where you want.
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