Opening TWO pages in TWO frames with 1 link

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Opening TWO pages in TWO frames with 1 link

Post by mjvanr »

The website I'm working on now consists of 3-frame-pages (left='index'/top=top'/main='contents'). Now, using javascript at the moment all my links in my menu is linked to open 2 pages (1 in the index-frame, 1 in the contents-frame). Here is an example of the code:

<param name="javascript:39" value="feedback_page()">
<param name="menuItems" value="
<script language="javascript">
function feedback_page()


I'm now busy applying the DHTML Menu version 3.3.19 code(a sample of the code below...) to my website, and I need to, either apply the above javascript to the code, or do it manually. Any ideas.

,"Feedback&nbsp;&nbsp;","feedback.asp target=contents,feedbacksideI.hmtl target=index",,"Submit comments or questions",1// "Description Text", "URL", "Alternate URL", "Status", "Separator Bar" :?:

If you don't quite know what I'm trying to do, please have look at the website - that should clear things up a bit...[/url]
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