Safari and other browsers...

Please note that official support for this menu version has now ceased. There are still plenty of users, though, and the forum is still running. Some of our long-time users may be able to help you out.
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Safari and other browsers...

Post by ionad »

I'm a filmmaker and amature web designer. I'm usinging Milonic for navigation on my website. I've been able to view my website with IE and Netscape on Windows and IE on MAC. (had to do a little tweeking for IE on Mac but it works).

Another friend who uses Safari on mac said the menue looks funny. He sent me a screen shot. You can see it here:

I just switched hosts and a new DNS so if you don't see it, check again later.

So my question is: Any suggestions on how to fix the error so the menu will look correct in Safari on Mac?

And in general... I understand the webpages won't look the same on all browers across all platforms... it's one of the huge web design headaches...

In general, which browers do you worry about? What percentage of the public isn't using IE or Netscape? Know what I mean?


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Post by John »

Without actual code to work with it's really tough to see what might be wrong :?

As for Safari, everybody keeps forgetting it's still a very early beta. Don't rely on anything until a final hits the scene. OTOH, Apple is working very hard to be as standards-compliant as possible, and when they get the thing out I think it will be a winner. A Java release last night for OS X brought them even closer, but they still have a ways to go.

Unfortunately, IE has the lead, but they are far from compliant. NS 7.02 is much better than they used to be, but still lagging. We have just started supporting Mozilla and I suspect NS doesn't have long to live here.
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Missing Code

Post by ionad »

Sorry about that... the menu is on (Do I need to post the code or can you just get it from there?)

I haven't modified the mmenu.js file at all (I don't know enough about programming to even try)...

menu_array.js is all I've played with... I was hoping there was some variable I was missing.

But as for Safari... another web designer told me the same thing... don't worry about it.

Thanks. :roll: I'm very new at all this... the only thing I really KNOW is HTML.
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