Hiding multiple DIV's

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Hiding multiple DIV's

Post by ppio@taconic.net »

Andy, yadin, anyone who can help,

I have my pages set up to hide and show a search input box on menu activation, however i want to add another select box next to it. This means that certain menus will cover both of the boxes. How can i set the menu to do this?

I currently have this:
<td height="38" width="200">
<div name="searchtext" id="searchtext"><input type="text" name="textfield" size="18" class="searchbox"></div>

and my menu currently says:
if(document.layers)m1div="_d.layers['searchtext']"; else m1div="searchtext"

addmenu(menu=["development","offset=3",,150,1,"",style2,,"",effect,,,,,,,,m1div,,,, .....etc.

and i want this:
<td height="38" width="200">
<div name="searchtext" id="searchtext"><input type="text" name="textfield" size="18" class="searchbox"></div>
<div name="searchbox" id="searchbox"><select name="selectbox">
<option value="2000">2000</option> <option value="2001">2001</option> <option value="2002">2002</option>

the menu will say:
if(document.layers)m1div="_d.layers['searchtext']"; else m1div="searchtext"
if(document.layers)m2div="_d.layers['searchbox']"; else m2div="searchbox"

the question is - how do i write m1div and m2div into the menu?

addmenu(menu=["development","offset=3",,150,1,"",style2,,"",effect,,,,,,,,divs go here,,,, .....etc.

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