Help with frames body array and solution to common frame pro

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Help with frames body array and solution to common frame pro

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When you are making a cross browser navigation to work in frames
Do you have to put the frames_body_array.js in every single body page that you want it dispayed in or is their a way around this?
I have feeds on my website where I cannot add this .js and so it will not be displayed on here. Is there a way around?

Also for people that are struggling with frames (like i was) my problem was that I was not targeting the main page properly

In the frames side array look for the lines like these "Home","/menu/ target=mainbody",,,1" etc. and make sure you link to the name of your framed page that you want it to go to. Also make sure that you have named your main frame page

So my index page containing the frames look like this:

<frame name="titlebar" src="titlebar.asp" noresize scrolling="no" target="mainbody">
<frame name="mainbody" src="news.asp" scrolling="vertical" noresize>
<% end if %>

If you link it to the target correctly it should work

Hope this helps someone
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