IE 6.0 problem.

Please note that official support for this menu version has now ceased. There are still plenty of users, though, and the forum is still running. Some of our long-time users may be able to help you out.
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Joined: Sun May 19, 2002 7:24 pm

IE 6.0 problem.

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I've searched the site and don't see this issue, so here it is:

With version 3.3, in IE 6.0, I sometimes get a javascript error on line 373 column 114. Or I get no errors and the menu just doesn't show up. It's a strange issue because sometimes it just fixes itself by closing the broswer and reopening. Other times it won't go away unless I open the mmenu.js file and just resave it (although I think this has nothing to do with it--its more likely that refreshing the brower that one last time is actually what fixed it).

Any advice? Thanks.
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