Need beta testers for my .NET control version of the menu

Please note that official support for this menu version has now ceased. There are still plenty of users, though, and the forum is still running. Some of our long-time users may be able to help you out.
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Joined: Sun May 19, 2002 7:23 pm

Need beta testers for my .NET control version of the menu

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I've gotten several emails regarding the custom .NET server controls I wrote for the Milonic Menu since I first bragged about the idea, but I've been waiting for this new version to be released before I set this thing free to the public.

So as of today I have a working beta version of the controls that work with the latest release of the menu. If you would like to beta test this puppy, email ME at and I'll put you on the list. It's a long way from where I want it to end up, but it works perfectly so far!

Also to Andy, would you mind hosting a page on your site for the controls? I'll send you all the content you'll need including a complete how-to with screenshots. I could host it myself, but I think it really belongs on your site.

And for those .NET junkies out there, please help me express to Andy how incredibly amazing the idea of using server controls to implement the menu is! Oh, and a taste test for you as well.......

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Put user code to initialize the page here
MMStyle style = new MMStyle();
MMenuItem menuitem = new MMenuItem();

menu.ScriptLocation = "mmenu.js";
menu.Effect = "Fade(duration=0.2);Alpha(style=0,opacity=88);Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)";

style.StyleName = "style1";
style.MouseOffFontColor = "navy";
style.MouseOffBackgroundColor = "ccccff";
style.MouseOnFontColor = "ffebdc";
style.MouseOnBackgroundColor = "4b0082";
style.MenuBorderColor = "000000";
style.FontSize = 12;
style.FontStyle = "normal";
style.FontWeight = "bold";
style.FontName = "Verdana, Arial";
style.MenuItemPadding = 4;
style.SubMenuImage = "arrow.gif";
style.TDHighColor = "66ffff";
style.TDLowColor = "000099";
style.CurrentPageFontColor = "Purple";
style.CurrentPageBackgroundColor = "pink";
style.TopBarImage = "arrowdn.gif";
style.MenuHeaderFontColor = "ffffff";
style.MenuHeaderBackgroundColor = "000099";

menuitem.MenuName = "mainmenu";
menuitem.MenuTop = 20;
menuitem.MenuBorder = 1;
menuitem.MenuLeft = 200;
menuitem.Style = style;
menuitem.AlwaysVisible = true;
menuitem.Alignment = "left";
menuitem.HorizontalMenu = true;

MMLink mTester = new MMLink("Tester", "http://somewhere", "", "My Status", true);

MMLink mAnother = new MMLink();
mAnother.DescriptionText = "Another way to do it";
mAnother.URL= "";
mAnother.Status = "Statusie is cool";


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