Center make RED and underline text

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Center make RED and underline text

Post by dhali »

I need to CENTER \"Search Fiji\" text and also change its color to RED and UNDERLINE the text. Is this possilbe and how?


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Post by yadin »

Almost, but you might not like the answer. The easiest way for you to do this will be break that menu item into it's own menu (leaving the other items in the entry they are in) and make a seperate style array for it. This way you can change the justification and color in the style and menu array for that one item as it's a seperate entity so to speak. Underlining is not supported, only bold and italic, sorry. If that was very important to you consider making an image of that menu item rather than using text. A simple trick people don't often consider to make 'word art'.
Hope this helps.
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