The dreaded frames issue!

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The dreaded frames issue!

Post by squills »

I know that you're all horribly against using frames but unfortunatly I have no choice but to use them. I could use i-frames but then again I think it looks really ugly having a scroll bar right in them middle of the page so I'm doing it the old fashioned way! There, got that out of the way! ;)

So, my problem is that I'm using the very special, un-supported frames code for v5 that generally works very well and I'm happy with. I'm just having one minor problem with it that didn't seem to be an issue in version 3....

The submenus seem to be aligned relative to the html page rather than the frame (window), i.e. when I scoll the page the sub menus disappear along with the rest of the page. When I scroll back down they're obviously still there. Therefore if I'm viewing something at the bottom of the page in the bottom frame, I can't access the submenus - they simply don't appear. Does anyone know of a work around for this??? It's the only thing getting in the way of me finishing my website!

I have tried using version 3 but I think it's more difficult to control so I'd rather stick with 5 if I can.

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Post by squills »

Don't worry - sorted it out now! I just need to add followscoll="1" to each of the menus! :D
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Post by John »

Glad you got it solved. Keep in mind, however, you are now the resident v5 frames expert :!: :D
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Post by fredlongworthhighschool »

If you use IFRAMES you don't necessarily have to have that scroll bar in the middle.

Take a look at my site, this was done thanks to some excellent Iframe tips by Hergio!
Andy Davis
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Follow Scroll

Post by ukmojo »


Do you have an example we can see of the follow scroll solution?

Mine still won't scroll.

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