Image Rollovers

Please note that official support for this menu version has now ceased. There are still plenty of users, though, and the forum is still running. Some of our long-time users may be able to help you out.
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Image Rollovers

Post by 45thronin »

Can someone PLEASE help me with this code. I have been working for quite a few days on how to get rollovers to work in the menu, I can't figure it out. Yes, I know how simple it is, but it's not working for me. I've tried several snippets of code from the Forum, but still nothing. Code which other people are saying works for them, isn't for me. Can someone please help!

Here is what I've tried so far:

To have the menu item be a clickable link to a URL:
,"<img border=0 src=image.gif>&nbsp;Text Here",
" swapimage=/image_over.gif;",,,0

To have the menu item show a submenu:
,"<img border=0 src=image.gif>&nbsp;Text Here",
"show-menu=submenuname","# swapimage=image_over.gif;",,,0

Doesn't work for me. I also tried these;

,"<img src=image.gif border=0>"," backimage=static-image.gif;swapimage=image_over.gif",,,0

This is the code for the rollover/link:
,"<img src=noarrow.gif border=0><img src=history.gif border=0>","/trane/history.html swapimage=redarrow.gif",,,0

Still nothing.

Can someone give me tested code with an example if possible. I appreciate it. I'm afraid I've been trying to get this to work for so long, I'm kinda fried and loosing my patience.

Thank you in advance!!!!

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Post by 45thronin »

O.k., I figured out how to change the background menu color. It's just the menu rollovers that I still can't get to work.

By the way, this is the code I used to get the Menu Background Color to change:

,"Samples","samp.htm","# offfontcolor=ffffff;offbackcolor=5D1B89",,3
,"Samples","samp.htm","# onfontcolor=ffffff;onbackcolor=CC99CC",,3

I got that code on Milonic, so whomever uploaded that, thank you!!!

Now, it's just these darn rollovers!!
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O.k., I finally got it too work

Post by 45thronin »

This is how I got it too work. Now, if I could get this too work, ANYONE can get this too work! Simply put in "show-menu=band", and then if you have a image called orange.gif, instead of making the rollover orange2.gif, make it orange_over.gif. It will work. The only problem is, the image doesn't hold on orange_over.gif as you scroll down the menu, it switches back to orange.gif as soon as you leave the box. I'll see what I can do to make that work.

I got the "show-menu=band" from Milonic (the coolest site!), but for some reason couldn't make it work before until now. Patience is a virtue.
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