To Big Bad John

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To Big Bad John

Post by bobwill »

John, when you make post a notification about a New Release, it would be helpful or "nice" that in that email message you had a link to the Release Notes associated with that release. It would be a quick way for users to see what has been changed. Just a thought for you to consider.

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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by John »

Hi BW,

Actually that is a 'stock' email that is built by the forum itself, and I don't think we have any control over it. At any rate, even if we do, it would be up to Andy to make that change.

Note that the release notes are available in two places - and A bookmark to either will always get you what you want as both contain all notes, including the latest..
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by mfurf »

Hey, it's menufurf back for a quick visit after, what? maybe two or 3 years? I've been using Andy's menus since 2002 and about two years ago got you another customer who runs a drama theater in Zanesville Ohio and uses the Milonic menus on his site. He loves'em too.

The whole milonic board is entirely different... much more impressive I must say with the jumbo print compared to the old days. But I'm a bit lost as to just where I am on the board.

Anyway I'm still a milonic neanderthal using version 5.719 on my {gasp} Windoze98 system. But I haven't a complaint in the world. They work perfectly . That Andy Woolley is some cat, ain't he?

Ruth may remember me as the one who first experimented with designing the menus right into html emails. I never got them to work perfectly [i.e. the submenus] but good enough. Then Ruth seemed to be having a go at getting them to work on emails when I got busy doing other things and never got back here until now.

Hang in there you Milonics from outer space. /menufurf
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by John »

Hey guy!

Good grief - don't even ask me how long it's been!

Yep, lots of changes around here. Ruth has definitely become the expert at figuring out problems. I just haven't had the time I used to be able to spend on the board, but I'm still here.

Just FYI, current version (out today) is v5.799, so you're a tad down-level! :roll: When you update (you really should - lots of Andy's updates had to do with problems caused by browser updates, so you might not be working as well as you think), make sure you read the docs in the download file.
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by Ruth »

Hiya mfurf, really long time. I did get them to work in emails :) but I'm not sure if I even still have that stuff. I got a new computer and it has WinXP and I had a heck of a time getting everything over to it since you can't just hook up 98 and XP to transfer stuff like on the old computers, but I did get most of my old programs on it and transfered as much as I could with a sort of network hookup. Anyway, if I find that stuff, I'll send it along.

You should try the new version, a lot of new things have been added, though yours works just fine with what you have, still you should keep up since a lot of the new stuff is to keep up with the changing web thingies. The new ones have xml, php, asp, mysql, a lot of things.

Nice to 'see' you again. Have a great day and don't be so long away next time, even if it's only to stop by and say HI :!:

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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by mfurf »

Okay Johnnie and Ruthie:

I will take a look at the latest version in order to keep up with what's going down. But I'm gonna wait until late September because between now and then I'm up to my eyeballs. Just finished my annual police conference [I'm not a cop just a ruckusmaker] because our gang is going to be out on the streets creatin a ruckus soon for two weeks. We get all the PDs from State Police to the National Park Police [and a bunch of local PDs] together so that the poleeese are there to meet and greet us. National Park, because the whole shebang is connected to the turning point battle in the American Revolution, the Battle of Saratoga, and that's where we conclude the entire two weeks... on the Battlefield at the Simon Fraser stone. Benedict Arnold was wounded at Saratoga [he should have learned.....]

After that I have a family reconnect tour that's going to take me as far north as North Bay Ontario and as far south as Long Beach Island NJ with lots of stops in between including cemeteries.

I wish I could recall exactly how I found these neat sweet Milonic menus. I know somewhere I went looking on line and found them under DHTML, I think. /mfurf
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by Ruth »


Way back when they were at DD I think. You used to be able to download version 3 from them

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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by John »

And, of course, they were always about 100 or so releases behind the current one we had posted!
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by mfurf »

Haaay, John and Ruth:

Menufurf is back. Never did get around last month to downloading the latest and greatest version. Will it work with old neanderthal Win98? I'm on the road so much, time is at a premium. Right now I'm on the road in downtown Schenectady [quick now, what 3 great inventors lived and worked in Schenectady, the city that lights and hauls the world???] with the rain pounding on the roof.

Somehow, since the old version works so wonderfully well, I hesitate to upgrade; I might ruin everything.

Hey, that Andy Wooley is some cat, aint he? He's a javascript genius. /mfurf
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by Ruth »

Hiya Mfurf,

Yes, it will work with win98, it still works with NN4 [unless you do extremely fancy stuff in it]

I suggest you put your old program files someplace safe just in case. Also, for safety sake, I suggest you rename your existing menu_data.js file. I always rename it so there is never a chance that I somehow upload the newest data file and overwrite my existing one. You could name yours saratoga_data.js.

Anyway, just for your info, I downloaded your page and put in the newest program files and it works just fine :)

Also, you have to go into the modules folder in the download and get the newest tooltips.js file and upload that one. So again, make sure you put your existing milonic_src, mmenudom, mmenuns4 and tooltips files someplace safe to have them available, though I didn't see any problems with the newest version.

How have you been? Doing well, I hope.

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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by mfurf »

Thanks Ruth. Will have a go at updating, again as soon as I'm back to where I have a block of time.

Okay, the three inventors that lived and worked in Schenectady were
  • Charles Steinmetz
    George Westinghouse
    Thomas Alva Edison
In the days of the puff-puff locomotives, most of them were made right on Erie Blvd in Schenectady.

Just a tad of history about the city that once was known as the place that lights and hauls the world. Steinmetz was born in Germany. /mfurf
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by Ruth »

I thought he was a mathematician, created some kind of formula for something to do with ? electricity or maybe engineering. I don't remember, I just remember that my dad, who was at one time into electronics and at another was an engineer, said something about some formula, just don't remember in which area.
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by mfurf »

Sounds like you had an inventive dad. Charles Proteus Steinmetz, German-American electrical engineer and inventor, was a pioneer in the field of electrical engineering, who invented a commercially successful alternating current motor. He himself considered his three most important accomplishments to be: (1) his work in the field of electromagnetism, (2) the development of a practical, simplified method of managing and calculating values for alternating current using complex numbers, and (3) his research on lightning phenomena. Steinmetz also invented the three-phase electrical circuit. His work made possible the expansion of the electric power industry in the United States. Among his many inventions is the metallic electrode arc lamp. Charles P. Steinmetz was considered the leading electrical engineer in the United States.

So with our laptops and CPUs and what not we owe a lot to the Schenectady three. George Westinghouse as a teenager invented the rotary steam engine and took out the patent, the first of scores of patents he owned in his lifetime. And the next time you turn on your electric light, think of Edison coming to Schenectady to manufacture the light bulb he invented in Menlo Park NJ; thus began General Electric.

Thanks for the ideas about updating my milonic menus. /menufurf
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by mfurf »

Thought I would stop by again as every so often I edit my Milonic menus for more subtle accuracy. And they're still the best in the business as far as I can determine. As I've said several times on this board "that Andy Wooley is some :lol: cat"

Carlton Underwood uses the Milonic menus on his "community theatre" webpage in Zanesville OH. I put Carl onto Milonic and he's never looked back. On the bottom of his site it has:

Menu system licensed from - all rights reserved
This page was last updated on 11/04/09 06:09 PM
Copyright © 1997-2010 Zanesville Community Theatre, Inc. All rights reserved

And as before, I'm writing this from the city that "lights and hauls the world" and yes, Steinmetz, despite his hunchback and misshaped body [sometimes even as an adult he had to be picked up and carried], was the electrical genius who as a child was brought to Schenectady from Germany by his parents.

Hi Ho Milonic! /mfurf
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Re: To Big Bad John

Post by Ruth »

Hiya mfurf,

Hope you had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year's. Thanks for stopping by, it's great to hear from you, as usual. Like you I think the Milonic menu is the best one out there!

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that Andy Wooley is some cat

Post by mfurf »

Still getting great :roll: mileage out of the Milonic 8O menus. I use two sets of them on my website.

As noted in the past: that Andy Wooley is some cat. :lol: /mfurf
Oh Saratoga!
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