problems with opera

Please note that official support for this menu version has now ceased. There are still plenty of users, though, and the forum is still running. Some of our long-time users may be able to help you out.
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problems with opera

Post by jewishj »

I am working on a site right now and am using the version 3.5.15 of the milonic menu. It works beautifully in NS4, NS6, NS7, IE 4+, Mozilla, and Mozilla Firebird (on winxp), but in Opera 5/6/7 it doesn't show up for me at all.

Neither the menu on my site, or the menu on the main page of this, the milonic, site show up at all in Opera 5.12 (identified as opera), and on my site it doesnt show up at all for Opera 6 or 7 (identified as opera).

Here's my url:

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Post by Hergio »

Thats really odd...I just downloaded the latest version of Opera (last friday the 8th) and it renders perfectly in my browser. I don't understand because a couple other people have described such problems but I have yet to see them. Anyone else able to test it out and see whats up?
Dave Hergert
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Post by Ruth »

Yes, I got the problem, so I downloaded the page and checked the menu array file, it's coded like this

addmenu(menu=[ // This is the array that contains etc.
"mainmenu", // Menu Name - etc.
152, // Menu Top - The Top position of the menu in pixels
-375, // Menu Left - The Left position of the menu in pixels
148, // Menu Width - Menus width in pixels

I changed the figure from -375 to 0 and it rendered in fine then in Opera 6

also, and I have no idea if this affects anything but the top part that has the line ////Please leave the above line intact. etc, in all my menu array files that line and the Editable Properties Begin Here shows yellow but it doesn't in the menu array file I downloaded from that site. Don't laugh, I have no idea what little things are important or not....

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Post by John »

Works fine here in O7.11/XP.

The only thing I see is the left and right edge of the menu doesn't line up with the "body" of your page; i.e., it's 10px or so too far to the right.

Nice lookin' page.
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