Sample 8 questions

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Post by Ruth »

Ok, this is weird, but if you download the pages, then Devil is right, it doesn't show a duplicate of the head code. I have no idea why it does it when you view them on the web. Just thought I'd let ya'll know that you're not going nuts.... :lol:

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Post by Hergio »

Ok Devil...when alot of php pages render, they include other pages. So basically your php page will be alot of if else statements that include different things and set variables along the way, so you are not going to see a whole lot of HTML markup. Basically what your phpNuke template is doing is including three files (and also a footer, but I am ignoring that), two of which have a head defined in them. This is poor HTML and just might be causing some problems...not your fault. There are three includes I can see,
The variables are the strings that start with $, so they are dynamic. You need to figure out what themes you are using and find the php files that are being included, as well as whats in the header.php file, and see where your duplicate heads are coming from.

And the links to the quick references are at and they are located under the menu item "DHTML Menu"...can't miss 'em.
Dave Hergert
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"Helping to make the menu better, one :?: at a time."
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Post by DevildogMP »

ok...well I may be getting in over my head then.
Will I be able to achieve the effects of sample 8 using the scrolling menu?
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Post by bobwill »

The only way I could get my menu to work using the "scriptpath" variable was to leave off the leading "/". This is was also true with the loading of the scripts.


<SCRIPT src="mypath/milonic_src.js" ></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="mypath/menu_data.js" ></SCRIPT>

The menu would not load with leading "/". Why is this?
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Post by Hergio »

That leading / means start looking from the ROOT of the website. So basically if your website is then if you say /dir1 it will start looking for files in and so on. Basically this refers to the wwwroot of your site most of the time.
Dave Hergert
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Post by DevildogMP »

OK..I ended up reconfiguring my old menu to get the effect I wanted..the question I have now it possible to place the menu inside of a block in php? Right now the menu won't allow blocks to be placed on the left side, and if I do it places the block on the inside (center) of the menu. Ideally the menu would replace the "modules" or menu block in php.
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Post by Maz »

I'm a complete novice at php without good instructions. I tried searching to see if you can add a template, nothing, it makes everything so much easier to insert content. Perhaps there are instructions for inserting a menu in the header somewhere?
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Post by DevildogMP »

Thxs for looking...looks like an extensive search thru a few sights I know! I certaily didn't expect you to take that much time, and I sure do appreciate it!
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Post by Hergio »

I am not sure exactly what your asking...but if you want to say, INCLUDE the menu code into a php, yeah thats possible. That way you would have one copy of it and it would be on all your pages. Look up php includes if thats what you want to do, otherwise, I'm sorry, explain exactly what it is you want to do.
Dave Hergert
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Post by DevildogMP »

I want to put the code in a block in php..that way I can retain the overall appearance of php (left, center and right blocks) Right now my menu appears on every page, but I would like to have the left hand blocks appear as well..which I can't do currently. If the menu appeared within a block, it would appear on any page, and the block can be placed in any position. I can enter the info into a blaock as html...would pure html work?
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