horinzontal & vertical position

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horinzontal & vertical position

Post by topachou »

I'd like to use a link base Menu like :

My menu is displayed on a page which is centered horizontally and vertically.

Unfortunately, I can't position my sub-menus correctly.

Used in a fixed 760x420 design, I did the "center:middle" position trick with a negative offset, to position my menu. It works.

But when my page has a different height (ex: 900 x 420) because of its larger content, the sub-menus are not positionned correctly.

I know I could use the "bound to a cell" trick, but I want to use my own links to trigger the sub-menus like that :
<a href=# onmouseover=popup("mainmenu") onmouseout=popdn()>Move Mouse Over Me</a>

So, are there any solutions ?

Thanks for your help.
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