Possible Path Problems? Please Take a look

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Possible Path Problems? Please Take a look

Post by DonBick »

I have been using a older version of these menus for a while now with no problems. Yesterday I purchased a license for the newest version. I editied the menu_data.js file to suit my needs, made the bar dragable and created a tooltip function. This all works great in my LOCAL file but I cannot get it to work once I upload it to the web. I expect that I have made some error in setting the paths but I have tried everything that I can think of and I have searched this forum and tried all of the suggestions I can find. My new nav bar still isnt working.

I follwed one suggestion and created a folder called menu on the server and placed all of the menu script files inside that folder.
Here is the code that I placed in my HTML document to load the menu:

Code: Select all

	 Milonic DHTML Website Navigation Menu Version 5.0
	 Copyright 2004 (c) Milonic Solutions Limited (UK). All Rights Reserved.
	 Please visit http://www.milonic.com/ for more information.

	 Although this software may have been freely downloaded, you must obtain a license before using it in any production environment.		 
	 The free use of this menu is only available for Non-Profit, Educational & Personal Web Sites who have obtained a license to use. 
	 Free, Commercial and Corporate Licenses are available from our website.
	 You also need to include a link back to http://www.milonic.com/ if you use the free license.
	 All Copyright notices MUST remain in place at ALL times. 
	 This includes the first three lines of this notice on every page that uses the menu.
	 If you cannot comply with all of the above requirements, please contact us to arrange a license waiver.
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="/menu/milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>	
<script	language=JavaScript>
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=/menu/mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");		
  else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=/menu/mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>"); 

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="/menu/menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="/menu/dragdrop.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>	
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="/menu/tooltips.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>	
The URL to the NON- WORKING nav bar ishttp://www.lemooresda.org/menu.htm

I have not deployed this new nav bar through-out my site, just on that one page to test it out.

The URL to my site with the WORKING old version ishttp://www.lemooresda.org just in case you are curious.

I apprecitate any help that you can give.

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Post by John »

The way you have it coded, there should be a /menu/ directory at root level; i.e.,

Code: Select all

and your menu code files are in that directory. I am unable to locate /menu/ at that level, which is why things are not working. Exactly where is /menu/?
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Post by DonBick »

Thank you for your reply. Your question was just enough to spark my brain back into life :oops:

I have a folder on the root called htdocs. Inside that folder are sub folders like /Audio and /pdf . Once I moved the menu folder inside of my htdocs folder, every thing is working now. Still not sure why since it looked like my menu folder was on the root level because it was sitting right below the htdocs folder in my site view.

Its working now, so thank you.

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Post by John »

The 'typical' host path to a site on their server is /www/htdocs/, or something close to that. When you call http://www.lemooresda.org/, you're actually going to /www/htdocs/ automatically on the server. That is your starting point, or 'root level', and all 'server relative' addressing is from there.
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