Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

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Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by bduenskie »

While viewing my website today I noticed something quite odd. The image "arrow.gif" which I use to display if there's a submenu all of sudden stopped working. The submenu would come up on mouse over, but my arrow was missing. On a page refresh the arrow returned and now I can't get the problem to recreate!

Is this a known issue? Has anyone else had this problem?
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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by John »

So if I read this right, the arrow was missing for a day on first page load, but is now back working properly? No, I haven't run into that before, and if it's not failing now there's not much we can do. To be honest, I don't think this is a menu problem, anyway. Plus, you didn't give us anything to work on - URL, menu version, etc. Sorry...
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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by bduenskie »


My company just purchased the newest version of the menu, so we're using 5.796. Please let me know if you need our order # or customer ID. Let me better explain the problem.

It's not just on page load, the disappearance of the arrows is random, if you refresh the page 10 times sometimes it'll disappear two times, sometimes it'll disappear 8 times. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why the arrows disappear. I shouldn't say the arrows "disappear", rather they just don't even load. Sometimes they don't even load on the page load, as I said its quite random.

The problem so far seems to be limited to Internet Explorer version 7.0.5730.11, which unfortunately a large portion of our user base uses. The site in question relies on our internal servers and is not accessible to the public since we're in the QA stage. We however are looking to launch this quite soon to the public so there is a bit of urgency to find the root of this problem.

Please advise on how to proceed?

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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by John »

Hi Bill,

Sounds like this is going to be a toughie. However, I'm sure you understand, there's nothing we can do without seeing it. Can you post the complete HTML code to your page and your _data file here? If so, please remember to use the [code][/code] tags when doing so.

With the code, Ruth and I will be able to check everything out and see what we can find.

The only other thing that comes to mind is to try pre-loading the images. You can do that at with our module. It's the first one in the list. While normally meant for sites with a large number of images, perhaps there's something in your setup (not pointing fingers!) that is holding the little guy back.
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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by bduenskie »

Hi John,

One problem, my site isn't strictly HTML based, it's mingled with ASP.NET 2.0, so the pages are .aspx. Any recommendations?

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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by John »


We can handle that, if you can post the code files. Without something to work with we're pretty much stuck. However, I'm a rank amateur with, so I may well get lost in it. Hopefully Andy can step in on this one.
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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by bduenskie »


I stripped down a page to just bare bones to see if I could replicate the problem, and I was able to. You may view the page here:

I was able to fix the problem from occurring when I remove the image/logo from above the menu. I can't explain it, but removing the image file fixes the problem, does that help at all?

I left the image file in so you can see the problem.

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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by John »

Same as you, I get a few failures in IE7, but none in FF3. I think it has to do with the css, but I've asked for help.
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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by bduenskie »

Thanks John, I'll keep my eyes peeled for a solution.
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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by Ruth »

Just to add to the topic. I do not get an arrow in IE6 either on the web. I do get one all the time, when I have the page on my desktop.

I see no problem in the css. The only thing that crossed my mind, and I think it's kind of out there and should have nothing to do with it, is the png fix. But the arrow is a gif.

Do you someplace have some css for a div or table or something that is set to say overflow hidden, or something hidden? Or have you applied css to the menu somehow that I'm not seeing? I do see the text decoration and that shouldn't do anything to cause this.

I would suggest that you post for support directly from Milonic at

I'm sorry I couldn't find anything

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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by bduenskie »

There's nothing in my CSS that calls overflow.
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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by Andy »

After lots of refreshing I only managed to see the missing image once - at least I saw it though.

I can't test it but I think I might have found something that could cause this, I've added it to the Pre Release version at so if you can download the pre release and see if that helps. Let me know if not.

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Re: Arrows to indicate submenu mysteriously missing?

Post by bduenskie »

Thanks Andy,

During my initial testing all looks well. I'll let you know if the issue pops up when we test it more rigorously.

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