IE7 Error closing script to view Milonic Menu

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IE7 Error closing script to view Milonic Menu

Post by Ernst »


I'm in the process of building a website:
The Milonic Menu was a very welcome find! :D

However, since 2-3 days I've been getting this error (see attached pic), it's in dutch but translated it means as much as:

"Would you like to close this script?

A script on this page could cause Internet Explorer to act slower.
If this script isn't stoped your pc might not react anymore.

Yes No"

If I press Yes the Milonic Menu disappears and I have to start the page again in a new window in order to get it to work again.
If I press No nothing happens but the popup will come back.

- The error doesn't pop up directly, after a few minutes it pops up

- This error doesn't occur in Firefox.

- I'm using IE 7.0.5730.13 on Windows XP SP3

- I've seen this error on Windows Vista aswell.

- I'm using, since today, version 5.796 of the Milonic Menu, the error also occured on the previous version.

- This error also popped up on your main site, causing the same error: the Milonic Menu not showing if yes is pressed

This could be a huge problem for the users of my site and therefor I'm asking you: Is this a known problem and is there allready a fix for it?

Thx in advance for the help ;)

error.jpg (17.63 KiB) Viewed 4075 times
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Re: IE7 Error closing script to view Milonic Menu

Post by Ruth »


I believe that's the script debugging tool in the IE Browser. You can turn it off which will stop those problems. Go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced and look at the boxes. Look for Disable Script Debugging [Internet Explorer] and Disable script debugging [other] If they are not checked that is why you're getting that

Code: Select all

 "Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing Internet  Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may  become unresponsive. Yes, No." 

if you check them, you will stop getting that message.

The reason you are losing the menu is that when you tell it yes to 'stop running the script' you are telling it to stop running menu program so it disappears. Post back if you need more information and I'll try posting to Milonic

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Re: IE7 Error closing script to view Milonic Menu

Post by Ernst »

Hey Ruth,

Thx for the answer, but the settings you're mentioning are both checked. I'm using just the standard settings, that's why it's scraring me a bit: 'what if everybody gets these errors??

I'll check some more pc's...

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Re: IE7 Error closing script to view Milonic Menu

Post by John »

I'm not seeing that problem on your page. The menu comes up and works fine. IE7, XP Pro, SP3.

Is it only your computer that fails?
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Re: IE7 Error closing script to view Milonic Menu

Post by Ernst »

it happened on other pc 's aswell but somehow the problem has resolved itself :-) maybe microsoft had a bad update??

thx for the support!!
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Re: IE7 Error closing script to view Milonic Menu

Post by John »

Ernst wrote:...maybe microsoft had a bad update??
Don't they always? :roll:

Glad to hear it's working.
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