pagematch with additional URL variables

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pagematch with additional URL variables

Post by redtopia »

Pagematch works fine on this page... it's within the "Programs" section: ... on_control

But then click on Ditch Checks... that link basically adds a couple URL variables to the same address: ... %5Fcontrol

This page is still within the Programs section, but when I add the new URL variables, pagematch fails. How can I make the menu so that I can add any number of URL variables to the address and it detects that it's still in that section?
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Re: pagematch with additional URL variables

Post by Ruth »


You are a lot of levels down from the newest version, two years back. Support here can only be for the newest version since we have no way to try and figure out what the workings were at that lower level. Many things have changed and be added to the working of the menu.

I can only suggest that you either upgrade, or try searching for pagematch and looking at posts from back around that version, June, 2006. I know you can set up page matching to a folder, which means the match will work when any link takes you to a page in that folder. Take a look at the pagematch description in the item properties page

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