Menu & Other Scripts

Please note that official support for this menu version has now ceased. There are still plenty of users, though, and the forum is still running. Some of our long-time users may be able to help you out.
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Menu & Other Scripts

Post by TUNDE »

For some reason the menu prevents me from adding a dynamin clock to my site. The code came from Dynamic Drive. The clock doesn't show when I use the <body onLoad="show_clock()"> tag. It does show when I add the single line to the script: window.onload=show_clock(). But with errors. what am i doing wrong.....???

Thanks In Advanced if you can help!!

Here is the clock code:

// "Live Clock Advanced" script - Version 1.0
// By Mark Plachetta (
// Get the latest version at:
// Based on the original script: "Upper Corner Live Clock"
// available at:
// - Dynamic Drive (
// - Website Abstraction (
// ========================================================
// - Gave more flexibility in positioning of clock
// - Added date construct (Advanced version only)
// - User configurable
// ========================================================
// Both "Advanced" and "Lite" versions are available free
// of charge, see the website for more information on the
// two scripts.

/////////////// CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////

// Set the clock's font face:
var myfont_face = "Verdana";

// Set the clock's font size (in point):
var myfont_size = "8";

// Set the clock's font color:
var myfont_color = "#000000";

// Set the clock's background color:
var myback_color = "#ffffff";

// Set the text to display before the clock:
var mypre_text = "The time is: ";

// Set the width of the clock (in pixels):
var mywidth = 150;

// Display the time in 24 or 12 hour time?
// 0 = 24, 1 = 12
var my12_hour = 1;

// How often do you want the clock updated?
// 0 = Never, 1 = Every Second, 2 = Every Minute
// If you pick 0 or 2, the seconds will not be displayed
var myupdate = 1;

// Display the date?
// 0 = No, 1 = Yes
var DisplayDate = 0;

/////////////// END CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////

// Browser detect code
var ie4=document.all
var ns4=document.layers
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all

// Global varibale definitions:

var dn = "";
var mn = "th";
var old = "";

// The following arrays contain data which is used in the clock's
// date function. Feel free to change values for Days and Months
// if needed (if you wanted abbreviated names for example).
var DaysOfWeek = new Array(7);
DaysOfWeek[0] = "Sunday";
DaysOfWeek[1] = "Monday";
DaysOfWeek[2] = "Tuesday";
DaysOfWeek[3] = "Wednesday";
DaysOfWeek[4] = "Thursday";
DaysOfWeek[5] = "Friday";
DaysOfWeek[6] = "Saturday";

var MonthsOfYear = new Array(12);
MonthsOfYear[0] = "January";
MonthsOfYear[1] = "February";
MonthsOfYear[2] = "March";
MonthsOfYear[3] = "April";
MonthsOfYear[4] = "May";
MonthsOfYear[5] = "June";
MonthsOfYear[6] = "July";
MonthsOfYear[7] = "August";
MonthsOfYear[8] = "September";
MonthsOfYear[9] = "October";
MonthsOfYear[10] = "November";
MonthsOfYear[11] = "December";

// This array controls how often the clock is updated,
// based on your selection in the configuration.
var ClockUpdate = new Array(3);
ClockUpdate[0] = 0;
ClockUpdate[1] = 1000;
ClockUpdate[2] = 60000;

// For Version 4+ browsers, write the appropriate HTML to the
// page for the clock, otherwise, attempt to write a static
// date to the page.
if (ie4||ns6) { document.write('<span id="LiveClockIE" style="width:'+mywidth+'px; background-color:'+myback_color+'"></span>'); }
else if (document.layers) { document.write('<ilayer bgColor="'+myback_color+'" id="ClockPosNS" visibility="hide"><layer width="'+mywidth+'" id="LiveClockNS"></layer></ilayer>'); }
else { old = "true"; show_clock(); }

// The main part of the script:
function show_clock() {
if (old == "die") { return; }

//show clock in NS 4
if (ns4)
// Get all our date variables:
var Digital = new Date();
var day = Digital.getDay();
var mday = Digital.getDate();
var month = Digital.getMonth();
var hours = Digital.getHours();

var minutes = Digital.getMinutes();
var seconds = Digital.getSeconds();

// Fix the "mn" variable if needed:
if (mday == 1) { mn = "st"; }
else if (mday == 2) { mn = "nd"; }
else if (mday == 3) { mn = "rd"; }
else if (mday == 21) { mn = "st"; }
else if (mday == 22) { mn = "nd"; }
else if (mday == 23) { mn = "rd"; }
else if (mday == 31) { mn = "st"; }

// Set up the hours for either 24 or 12 hour display:
if (my12_hour) {
dn = "AM";
if (hours > 12) { dn = "PM"; hours = hours - 12; }
if (hours == 0) { hours = 12; }
} else {
dn = "";
if (minutes <= 9) { minutes = "0"+minutes; }
if (seconds <= 9) { seconds = "0"+seconds; }

// This is the actual HTML of the clock. If you're going to play around
// with this, be careful to keep all your quotations in tact.
myclock = '';
myclock += '<font style="color:'+myfont_color+'; font-family:'+myfont_face+'; font-size:'+myfont_size+'pt;">';
myclock += mypre_text;
myclock += hours+':'+minutes;
if ((myupdate < 2) || (myupdate == 0)) { myclock += ':'+seconds; }
myclock += ' '+dn;
if (DisplayDate) { myclock += ' on '+DaysOfWeek[day]+', '+mday+mn+', '+MonthsOfYear[month]; }
myclock += '</font>';

if (old == "true") {
old = "die";

// Write the clock to the layer:
if (ns4) {
clockpos = document.ClockPosNS;
liveclock = clockpos.document.LiveClockNS;
} else if (ie4) {
LiveClockIE.innerHTML = myclock;
} else if (ns6){
document.getElementById("LiveClockIE").innerHTML = myclock;

if (myupdate != 0) { setTimeout("show_clock()",ClockUpdate[myupdate]); }

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