Center Menu.

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Center Menu.

Post by marcelomg »

I'm having trouble Centering the menu to the page. I've read all the articles, FAQs etc...

I have changed where it was suppose to be changed. I don't know why it's not working.

My site is;

I appreciate your help.

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Re: Center Menu.

Post by Ruth »


That menu is no longer supported it is 7 years out of date. I think whatever faqs and such you have been reading have been for Version 5 which is the only supported version anymore. There is an online conversion tool so you can convert the menu array to the new version 5 menu data file. Actually, I tried it and you have such a small file that it converts easily.

Here is information about the free license
You need to apply for that license here once you get the new menu download and get your menu_array file converted. If you wish to do this, I will be more than glad to help you, it is very easy to use the new one, and since you can convert the old array file there's not much you need to do except place it. Let me know.

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