clickfunction not working with iframe targets

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clickfunction not working with iframe targets

Post by Prefontim »

My Milonic menu is in the top frame, and the urls's for the menu items, open up into an iframe on the page, when clicked. I am trying to add a clickfunction to these menu items, but when i do so, the iframe targets, no longer work. My menu item code looks some like this

Code: Select all

                aI("image=/images/blank.gif;align=left;text=Remote Help;clickfunction=clickme();onfunction=coverFrame();offfunction=unCoverFrame();targetfeatures=height= 600, width= 800,  resizable=yes,   scrollbars=yes,  location=no,  status=no,  directories=no,  menubar=no,  toolbar=no;target=clientframe;url=/StartWebApplication/cn=RemoteHelp-webapp,o=stoneware;");
As you can see, i am specifying a 'target' of clientframe. with the clickfunction in there, the targeting does not work.
Can anyone help?
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Post by Ruth »


Can you provide a url so we can see what's going on, so we would have the frameset, the other pages, the menu files and the function?

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Post by Prefontim »

Sure, login to with username:milonic and password:milonic.

All of those links should open in the bottom frame, but, they will overtake the frame. Under published apps, there is a link that should pop in a new window, though it will do the same.
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Post by Ruth »


I am going to have to post this to Milonic. One thing I noticed is that the iframe needs to have both name and id the same. There is also a function that I think is supposed to be on the page for iframe target, at least it is in the sample about opening windows and target frames and iframes, though that may have been 'built-in' in the newer versions of the menu. The function is just above the area that says Click Here To Download, about 1/2 way down the page or so.

By the way, since you are attempting to load the page in an iframe I doubt those target features are doing anything but extra space, I doubt they'll change the iframe, after all they are for the windows features. Have you tried removing those from the iframe target items and see if that does anything?

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