Current Page Item Color not working

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Current Page Item Color not working

Post by Non »

After searching this Forum, I found out that several people are experiencing problems with the Current Page Item Color. (Someone even mentioned it was only working app. 2% of the time). But no answers about how to solve it. The only answers I see are about where in the array you have to fill in the colors for font and background. But I already know that and tried that several times, but it is still not working :cry:

When I started to edit the menu I recently downloaded, it worked, but after using it through my whole website, nothing is happening.

Maybe it only works on a 'one level' base? (I have a 4 level deep site)

The menu is working very nicely though!

But I would love to show my visitors where they are...

Any suggestions anyone? I this a bug?
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Post by John »

Always post a URL so we can see the problem and also look at your array.

It does work. I have a 3-level menu running with no problems.

What version of the menu are you running?
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Current Page Item Color not working

Post by Non »

Hi, I did not post a URL, because the site is not on line yet, but it will be soon, so then I will post the URL here. I cannot upload a trial version, because the client I made this site for does not own enough webspace for that (and me neither :? ).

The version of the menu I work with is 3.5.15

Also I found out that at the moment the Current Page Item Color usually does work on the pages that are located in the same directory as the mmenu.js file...
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Re: Current Page Item Color not working

Post by Maz »

The version of the menu I work with is 3.5.15

Also I found out that at the moment the Current Page Item Color usually does work on the pages that are located in the same directory as the mmenu.js file...[/quote]

Same here, then I added some j/script to the template and Current Page Item Color vanished completely. v.3.x mac

Does anyone know where that example is of writing border-color-on background-color-on individually? and also is there one for current page?
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Here's the URL you asked for

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My menu can be found at Hope this helps!
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Post by Maz »

I don't see any current page. I can't see the top of the sub-menu, it may be going above the browser window. It may work fine for you, I have an old computer.
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Post by John »

Just a guess here, but try switching your URLs from relative to absolute, or at least server relative. I think the ../ stuff might be confusing it.
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Current Page Item Color is working

Post by Non »

jgillett wrote:Just a guess here, but try switching your URLs from relative to absolute, or at least server relative. I think the ../ stuff might be confusing it.
Thanks, this does the trick! I must have been sleeping, not to think about this. :oops: It also makes it unnecessary to make a menu_array file for the different levels in the web.

Only I was hoping that the main menu buttons would also have a 'Current Page Item Color' when a page inside that directory is visited. But I do understand that it is working in a different way. No problem! I am quite happy now! :D
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Post by Non »

maz wrote:I don't see any current page. I can't see the top of the sub-menu, it may be going above the browser window. It may work fine for you, I have an old computer.
So far I did not receive any other complaints, so I hope you are the only one experiencing this problem. Can you tell me a little more about your browser and/or computer and maybe you can send me a screenshot by e-mail if you have the time?
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Post by Maz »

Don't be alarmed this is Mac OS 8.6 IE 5.1
The problem earlier is fixed and the current page is highlighted, but something is going on with flash I assume, covering up the sub-menus underneath, that didn't happen last time. This computer doesn't handle flash every time, so if it works don't worry about it. Sorry I haven't taken a screen shot in so long, I'll have to look it up.
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Post by John »

Glad to hear it's working, Non.
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Post by Maz »

Okay, I checked again, every time I've clicked on different links on the menu. I think I get it now. When I first go to a pull down link it works, then I tried the top menu link... ummm was it Stedman? I closed the browser alread. The top menu link where there is no pull down menu, that is when the sub menu is now flashing but not viewable, whereas before it was covered up by flash. A screen shot would be no help on this one.
Weird eh?
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